Power of them


If you have that some familiar to you but wait there's more you see most people never realize just how dark the dark ages actually were hundreds of millions were ravaged by plague malnutrition and starvation while better nourished invaders repeatedly leave them for the last remaining resources and many genuinely believed it was the first real glimpse of an apocalypse in fact the times during the dark ages got so bad that no significant scientific or technological progress was made during the five centuries it spanned through to the point where there are particular groups of historians who thought this five centuries never even actually happened and that was all due to the unbelievable lack of progress in Europe during that time I mean think about it a span of 500 years being so unproductive to the human race there's people who actually don't believe it even happened and you wonder the worst part of it all history repeats itself I mean just look at what's happening around you you've got social justice warriors controlling the biggest nations telling you where you can go who in your family you can visit for Christmas what you can see on social media and even what temperature you're allowed to set your heating to I mean all you need to do is look at what's going on with the energy prices in Europe right now and just like there was the dark ages that you are referring to this winter as the dark winter I really need this to sink in for most people right now they are going into a period where they are gonna have to decide between hot water or electricity and even worse the government will soon start even controlling what time is the day you are allowed those rations and if this sounds like an absolutely crazy thought this been happening for years and years in South Africa they just cut off the electricity whenever they want for load shedding and by the way that was not during a time of crisis like there is in Europe right now on top of that you've got dozens of social media accounts and personalities getting banned and silenced for speaking up and calling out the tyrannical BS happening around us under the premise obviously of stopping misinformation and if that wasn't enough now people has a new policy that they've since retracted cause they seem just how insane the backlashes and had so many people trying to withdraw their money from PayPal because they realized this is getting into scary territory now if you post something that people deems as misinformation they can take $2500 from your account by the way all of you guys can Fact Check this but ever since we published this statement they have done a very good job at cleaning up the Google search history because they realized just how much of a mistake they made trying to push out this policy but I want you to think about just how crazy that is and by the way if no one said anything about it or if there wasn't as much of a backlash they were about to gladly roll out that policy and you need to understand that soon enough they're gonna be telling you how many times a week you can shower how many times a week you can eat meat until what time you're allowed to stay awake and any other tyranny they can push down your throat picture a social credit system scoring how good of a complying and obeying citizen you are or in plain English how good of a slave you are and depending on how good or you can access basic essential services think banking transportation services credit and if you're a bad behaving slave will bad news for you your bank account frozen Internet you don't have access to it buying cars not allowed you wanna travel that's only for the good slaves so if you think the things of this magnitude will never happen or that the new dark ages is an exaggeration well think again.


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