Stealing from the poor


It's getting to a point where home ownership is a right it is simply reserved for the ultra-wealthy own nothing and be happy that was the end goal and we are getting closer and closer to it that's what inflation does it furthers the gap between the rich and the poor while cutting out the middle class in the meantime and this is why I love people with economics degree you know they think they're all so smart they kept telling me no quantitative easing we need inflation we need inflation I'm like look just call it what it is it's stealing from the poor we've been doing it for thousands of years we've been debasing the currency for thousands of years and all that does is simply steal from the poor you see the poor get poorer because they are paid the same other bills go up and the rich get richer because the prices of their assets go up and that's not even the worst part inflation caused a second massive issue in the UK due to the gas crisis in Europe the citizens won't have enough money to afford the gas bill during the coming winter their salaries stayed the same but they're buying power got wrecked the bills are more expensive than ever but the numbers simply don't add up the situation was so severe that the UK government had to step in and approve a law that limited the amount of money a family could spend on energy and that was supposed to save over 1000 pounds per year for each household however in practice it just makes the situation even worse because in order for the government to fund the energy bill it will have to go into even more debt driving the inflation even further and that led to the UK economy almost collapsing overnight and that's because the UK pension funds are invested in assets that require collateral to pay for its risk and the whole energy funding situation sent the prices of those assets down which then as a result required the UK pension funds to put more money into as collateral to cover the new added risk now they didn't have enough money to actually do that so instead they had to turn to selling their existing assets which then makes the price of them even lower requiring more collateral and this becomes an endless loop.


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