Time Freedom
The next thing which is time freedom because ladies and
gentlemen doesn't matter how much money you make if you trade your time for
money directly because listen to me there's no such thing as passive income
passive income doesn't exist it is a whole load of BS passive income is simply
putting a system in place and there's certain point that system breaks so don't
think that you can just make money without putting time in but the point is if
you your income is directly tied to the time that you put in well then you're
still a slave look it doesn't matter how much money you make in the fact that
you can fly first class anywhere in the world if you don't have time freedom
you have the allusion of freedom you've got the chips right you have the chips
that give you the chips but you can never cash them in as the saying goes no
man is more enslaved than the one who falsely believes in his own freedom and
that's where majority of the doctors lawyers dentists engineers developers and
most of the prestigious professionals fall into ladies and gentlemen even the
football players do you worship do you think oh you'll be a dream to become a
football player or a basketball player or all this stuff they can't pack up and
leave when they want to at the end of the day someone still tells them you
arrive at this location at this time every single week every single day you
have to show up to practice at this time and they have to comply that's not
freedom to me so the question then becomes how do you become the top 1% of men you
get to enjoy all three financial freedom location freedom and time freedom what
does it take in order to get there ?
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