Redefine yourself


On YouTube where people go around asking millionaires what the best advice for 18 year olds who are just getting started with their careers and you'll notice that their answers are always sort of along the lines of put your head down and work a lot or try a lot of things or a lot of times they even say don't go to college just get a job instead what these people really trying to say is acquire empirical knowledge because they know that's what makes someone successful they know the most successful college rather than sitting down and listening to a 67 year old you know teach you how to create a business plan when he's barely even stepped foot outside of the college campus so from now on I always want you to remember if you are learning things that are conceptual and their concepts and their theories and they're not actually practically tested in the real world and by that I mean battle tested in real world this should I'm not talking about you know oh we did a survey and we did a group study and we found that I'm talking now this kid has been battle tested by someone and that is how it was formed you need to learn from sources like that because at the end they conceptual knowledge at best it's just mental  and that's the best case scenario the worst case scenario is you were being dragged in A totally different and wrong direction and the Renaissance men already knew this back in the timing classes here is how they approach learning instead and I suggest that you do the same they would send researchers to travel throughout Europe scouting monasteries courts and libraries for lost or often overlooked text from keys architects inventors and philosophers from the Roman Empire the Greeks the Arabs the byzantines and the Indians then they would deeply research these findings implemented into their own worldview and that's how they went from having very rudimentary simple art to having 5 meter long perfect statues your characteristics which were unknown during the Middle Ages and to this day have still created some of the most beautiful works of art ever you know that's why after centuries of oblivion long forgotten engineering techniques there's suddenly rediscovered and triggered a new wave of innovation that was pushed forward by those renaissance men basically what they were doing was actually quite simple they would find successful people who possess a lot of empirical knowledge and would study this out of them so that way they could acquire the same knowledge and apply it in their work and that my friend is exactly what I recommend you do find someone who is successful and who you aspire to be like and study their stuff from top to bottom try to find out how they do things how they structure their business how they structure their work how they think about the world and what are their methods and then go ahead and apply what you learned in your own life and your own career and look German that is the only way to be successful is find someone who has done what you aspire to in life and emulate that and even better if they have laid out a game plan follow it to AT step by step and look that is the formula for success it's been like that since the 14th century and the Renaissance so simply apply it and the second tree you need in order to become a top 1% man who gets to play by his own rules is community and it's really one of those traits that most people don't give enough attention to and quite frankly why a lot of people feel that their endeavors have you ever noticed that whenever very important and influential people who really changed the course of the world pop up they don't ever pop up in isolation there's a few different people who kind of pop up at the same time as in it's never really just one scientist or one philosopher that carries an era whenever the world experiences an era of fast development it's always a bunch of people creating and discovering a bunch of different things at the same time just like the Renaissance I mean there wasn't one sole person that was responsible for the Renaissance there was Leonardo da Vinci there was Michelangelo there was  Galileo the list really goes on and on and you also notice that there's hubs there's little places that these people will congregate and from that magic would happen.


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