Renaissance men


Misunderstanding when it comes to acquiring knowledge because not all knowledge is created equally now there's a big misunderstanding when it comes to acquiring knowledge because not all knowledge will have the same effect on your life not all knowledge is created equal and it's not just any type of knowledge that will take you to the top in fact most knowledge out there won't even just keep you stagnant it will actually hold you back because fundamentally there are two different types of knowledge there's conceptual knowledge and there's an empirical knowledge conceptual knowledge is the one that you acquire in school or by spending five years studying some pointless degree in university I mean look if you study something like economics or finance or entrepreneurship in college no doubt it will take you a lot of time to acquire that knowledge and it will also be a very painstaking process but this information you acquire at colleges is simply conceptual knowledge and by that I mean information that has been studied for decades and has conceptual backbone behind it that ties it together through principles that are backed by theories here is the problem 99% of conceptual knowledge is just that it's theories it's things that sound nice or maybe worked in the past but sure as hell do not work right now and what happens is you go to college and you spend five years and you know you think you're very smart and you think you're learning all this stuff and all these concepts and all of these different frameworks for the world and how things work and then you get into the real world and you realize that none of it applies you may know how to write a business plan but you sure as hell don't know how to start a business you may know a product market fit but you don't actually know how to create a product that the market actually wants and that is always what happens when you learn conceptual knowledge especially if you look at university professors by people that have never ever ever actually done it themselves to when I say that you need to acquire knowledge that you don't currently possess I'm not talking about conceptual knowledge here because at the end you would not be able to apply it in the real life so you're gonna get no further than other people and at the end they just because you can do something doesn't mean you should just because you can get a university degree doesn't mean that you should or it's worth it at all to which you need is empirical knowledge now what actually fueled the Renaissance what were the ingredients in that explosive development of that era well it was the deep admiration those great men had for the even greater men that came before them the Greeks the Romans the Arabs the byzantines the Renaissance men studied deeply the achievements that accomplishments to worldview the philosophies of all of these great civilizations basically they lack at some of the most successful people in history to date and they reverse engineer their processes so that way they could build a road map for the future and by doing that the Renaissance men were able to embrace such knowledge and apply it to their life that my friends is empirical knowledge empirical knowledge is going on the real world having things happen getting reference experiences and from their learning rather than building theories and concepts and then maybe potentially testing them the most successful people I know today have a lot of empirical knowledge that is knowledge that they acquired by going out there trying things building these feedback loops getting these references and moving from there.


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