Live It To The Extreme


I believe you are stronger than you realize I believe 110% without a doubt you are called to more if you have breath in your lungs right now that only means God has some unfinished business for you he's got plans for you to prosper you he's orchestrating a family for you a wife for you he's already forming your future children he's connecting you with the right people right now he has intentionally placed me before you he's speaking to you right now and he wants you to know it's time to break free if you don't want to be like most modern men you have to ignore most modern advice don't fall for the false doctrine that your innate desires is a man on that don't fall for the false lies that you are incapable or not worthy God says you are wonderfully made remember it doesn't take any courage to be normal so embrace your masculinity embrace your aggression remove the distractions that are keeping you from who you want to be who God's called you to be do not remain complacent any longer complacency is just a playground for the enemy to mess with you to play with you the enemy loves complacent men because in this state a man will always remain ineffective he remains not a threat so for you watching this deep down I know you want to live up to your potential I know you want to level up I know this because while everyone else logged off and grabbed their phone to go swipe their life away on TikTok you're still here you've invested your attention.


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