Rock Bottom


Into practice to make it to the top of the pyramid even if you're starting from zero there are four stages you need to go through in order to get there and I'm going to reveal you each stage sequentially and for each stage I'm going to show you what's your objective in it or life looks like and most importantly what you have to do to progress to the next stage so if you ever want to see what the journey looks like from having absolutely nothing to having it all today I'm going to tell you first hand so we start our first stage I call it rock bottom maybe news is because you're starting from the bottom there's quite literally only one place to go and that's up and the bad news is the more you stay here the harder it is to leave and that is because of one little sneaky issue that affects all of us are at least the people at the bottom of the pyramid and that's inflation right now inflation is through the roof and they say it's around 8 to 10% in the UK and US but that is bullshit it is way worse because listen the way the puppet masters calculate inflation is they take a basket of goods and they see how much it costs to buy then they compare how much this cost increases year after year and that's what they call inflation but this is bullshit because what they do is they change the goods in the basket every single year in order to manipulate the final number I mean really it's just classic puppet master manipulation so if you want to know what the real inflation is simply compare the price you paid for gas a year ago and the price you pay for gas today.


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